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  • Writer's pictureEva

I am a serial my mind

I am a founder. A serial founder. I have founded my first start-up over 15 years ago, coming out of ETH and while working in my first job (which I had landed after hundreds of rejections and job interviews...and at the time I did not understand why...). I realized quickly, working in corporations was not for me, boring, repetitive, full of barriers, bureaucracy, conservative self protecting people who could not understand why you would possibly want to do something I started founding my first start-up. It was a biotech start-up. I did my homework first, started looking around and studies the entire ecosystem, there were a few biotech start-ups around, not too many, in Switzerland, but I had just come back from Boston, MIT, Cambridge, there seemed the place where all those things were happening, where all the "right" people were gathering, so I started watching, learning, analyzing them, who were they, what were they doing, how did they start, who financed them, what science were they focusing on, what skills did they have, what skills were necessary, who were the venture capitalists involved, were did they come from, how were they thinking...I had the entire biotech world at my feet, I was ready, my own biotech was ready to take off, I was the CEO, just needed to find the right co-founders, but Gosh, they were sooo difficult to find, the right ones, those thinking the right way, owning the right skills, and wanting to go that venture with me. Why with me than...After a while, I knew everybody and everything in the field, in Switzerland, Europe and US, and was starting grasping the Asian ecosystem as well, understood all the differences between the various stakeholders, I had all the right contacts. Virtually. My first project failed. I moved on. I founded other companies, my interests were varying, my focus was changing, after the second or third biotech I decided to move into venture capital, investing. After all, this was one of the crucial aspects and factors that were contributing to the success or failure of the start-ups. I had had the chance in the years before to observe and analyze the delicate personal and business equilibrium, all those factors that would influence how founders and investors were interacting, the bias, the wrong decision making, the lack of mutual understanding, the pushing in the wrong direction leading to the wrong outcome. Failure. So I founded my own Investing company, decided to avoid those very same errors that I had seen making by others. I started doing some networking, go to various events, meeting many start-ups in different fields, mainly technological and life science, studying their business models, ideas, technologies, drives, environment, thinking approach, giving them advice, helping them understanding the market, the possible technical issues, the thinking errors, giving suggestions on how to move in an environment that was very familiar to me but not yet to them, contributing to their success. Once my investment company was well established, my focus shifted. People, people! Personalities, cognitive functions and how the interaction of different people in complex system was determining certain outcomes...and how to influence them and give the right direction. This became my new focus. So I founded my Consulting company, to help different people and stakeholders moving in very complex human systems, understanding different ways of thinking, different perspectives, priorities, motivations, goals and values, and how the interaction of all those things would shape the outcome. I became an "expert" in MBTI personality theory and types, could understand how every person was different and how these differences would determine their decision making approach, their beliefs and understanding of what would be the right thing to do, and where they were "missing" a crucial piece of information or generating misunderstanding. I was helping those complex systems to become clear, and the people moving in them to become successful. It has been a great Journey...oh, I forgot, all this happened only in my Mind...

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