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  • Writer's pictureEva

I understand, ergo sum

I struggled my own life trying to make sense of things, trying to make sense of me and the world and the people around me, trying to find out what I was good at, why I was always feeling some "dissonance" in people's words and behavior, trying to understand what would make people successful, why some people were so convinced to know and be good at something that they would be able to convince everyone else, and therefore be successful. Than I realized, most people are successful because they do not understand what they don't know, and therefore are so sure of themselves that they can convince the others that they know everything better...

But now I realized...

I understand what you do not understand about yourself, I understand what you do not understand in your interactions with others and why you don't, I understand what you think you have understood and why it is not the reality, I understand what misunderstanding your wrong assumption generated in the communication with someone else and if the other person realized it or not and what consequences this will have in the relationship/business/decision related to that very interaction, I understand what traits of your personality lead you to see certain things and ignore others, I understand what motivates you and what is important to you, and how you are affected by other people's behavior depending on their personality type and on what is important to them, I understand if you realize that what is important to you and what is important to them are two different things, and I understand if they understand this same point or not, I understand what cognitive hole leads you to act in a certain way without realizing what consequences such behavior might have depending on the personality, perception and cognitive holes of the counter-party, I understand how you assess the situation and what bias leads you to expect something to happen in a certain way, and the fact that this very same bias will lead you to miss doing the only very same action that would enable things to happen as you would like them to...therefore making you responsible of the fact that the opposite will be true: leading to that very same thing not to happen as you want.

This is what I am good at: understanding.

I have been hiding and have been ashamed of this for decades, I have been blamed, discriminated, hated, laughed at, mobbed, rejected, accused to be arrogant, felt constantly out of place, diminished, reproached to make people feel inadequate (nothing is further from my is only that for a long time I considered so normal that everybody was able to think and understand things the same way I do, that it would not even occur to me that they don't, and I considered as obvious things that in fact were not to everyone...), felt inadequate (because if others say so they must know better, don't they?, they don't).

I cannot be ashamed of something I have not chosen to be.

I understand, ergo sum

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