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  • Writer's pictureEva

Il Verbo

Here I am, I am a thinker...I walk around this empty city and I think. There is nothing I love more, the sun of the newly born Spring, the walking, the emptiness, the thinking. I am in my Element. But that's a special Time. Coronavirus time. Who is She, where was She? Oh, I have always been here, I was simply thinking. Sometimes I would show up, "appear", people would wonder who I am, why I am there. And than I would disappear again...back, in my thinking world. Only a handful of people getting to know me, to be close to kids, my lovers...but never entirely...but what is it the meaning of this...what is thinking without Words? Il VERBO, as it was already called in the Bible, the power of the word...thinking is nothing, without the Word, or better it is, it is for me, it is (almost) all I need, it fills my days, it gives sense to my life, it satisfies and fulfills me, it is as everything would happen, exist and complete its life-cycle just because I have thought it, there is no need for anything to exist for real if it has already existed in my mind, it becomes unnecessary, no need to start anything in the physical world because it has already been born and died in my virtual world...but this leads to the "nothing", to a static world...and, as much as I am perfectly at ease living in my mind, if the rest of the world does not Act, Create, Produce, than also my Ideal inner world becomes insufficient...yes, I need the external world too...maybe it is time to do something for the physical world, to stop only thinking it, but to make it happen...and maybe the best way I can contribute to this is to finally start sharing, my Thoughts, to make them real not just for my, but for the rest of the world Verbo...this is the most powerful thing...and maybe it will spread, like a Virus...but not for me only...since that would be a pity, because I can think fairly well...

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