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School and why Switzerland loses his Geniuses

I have been away from this blog for a month, I knew from the beginning this would happen...that's how I am after all. Today I want to write about something totally different, not principally about myself, and it might be the wrong place to write about this...but why wrong then? I created this blog exactly for this: put black on white everything I want to...

I am going to talk about school, in general, and about why the school system in Switzerland has not understood something and is tailored only for fostering that "mediocritas" that, if it was the secret of his success one century ago (and it was "aurea" for the Romans), has drastic impact on the selection of a future society able to shape a certain type of world...

I will start about school in general. I have two kids, two early teens, and what I observe is desolating.

My Son is similar to me, probably a INTP, and the school is not made for us...the school, everywhere, but in Switzerland particularly heavy for its very discriminating system (I will talk later about the disastrous consequences of the test to be admitted to a gymnasium) is focusing on contingent results and on details, forgetting the all picture. The school is made in its vast majority by "S" people (MBTI sensors types), and they focus on their own domain of competency and the details and performance related to those details, ignoring the big picture and totally forgetting what it is that they are supposed to achieve: educating young people in finding their way, discover who they are and what they do best, and help them becoming the best possible contribution to our society...World...according to their specific skills, not homogenize them in a standardized process which, as every process, cannot function well for the uniqueness of every situation and persons: Aurea Mediocritas, a winning strategy in a developing world, a loosing strategy in our today's World. ...the school, in general, is not made for Ns (intuitive) Ps (perceiving) kids, and in Switzerland this is leading not only to several personal tragedies, but above all to a lot of missed opportunities for the country. NP kids are those who see things differently, those who are not fond of rules, those who have no respect for the status-quo, but are also those who change things, those who push the human race forward...and while some might see them as crazy ones...I see geniuses. My Son, as other kids like him, is like this...he cannot and does not want to follow dull lessons with predefined statements and concepts, he just does not see the point and find them not worth loosing too much time, he has more important things to think about, ideas, theories to develop, but all what he gets are threatens and blame from his teachers (..."I see you do not take things seriously, and if you do not start learning properly the french words you will have serious consequences"..."this is the last chance you get, I have asked you to show me every step of this equation, not to solve it right away: you will have a deep insufficient grade") dear School rectors, please ask yourself a question: is threatening a very smart and even very integer kid to throw him out of school because he has not properly learnt french words really what your school vision is about? Dear School, the world does not only need SJ and TJ types, the world does not only need perfect Executors of standardized processed and bold Enforcer of own convictions and rules. The world also needs visionary innovators, abstract system thinkers, those people who are not afraid to say there is a different perspective to look at things, those who can find a better way everybody can profit from...but you punish them, you discriminate them, you label and segregate them, and you loose their inestimable contribution to your own Wealth by denying them access to your higher education (because you fail them, your Geniuses, your NPs, in your Gymnasium entry test)...

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